Decrepit Men Seeking Tarts

This is a blog for single men searching for tarts who are way out of their league. I would encourage any woman to take a chance on one of these men. You never know where love will blossom!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Computer Geek Seeking Cover Girl

Hello, my name is Mason Ricky Madison and I'm hunting love like Anakan hunted princess Almadala! LOL! I work at Ingenitek as an IT consultant (BJBIPW), and last week I beat "Badge of Honor" in one night! NTNTSA!!! People think that since I'm great with computers I can't be a cool guy. But that's not true, I also enjoy going to chat rooms, or playing games online with my friends (SIGIA). I'm looking for a girl who looks exactly like Laura Croft, and enjoys being berated by my little condescending quips. MHSTSU! Also you should probably have a car so you can pick me up at work. GWHNNA! Interested? Let's head out to the arcade...