Decrepit Men Seeking Tarts

This is a blog for single men searching for tarts who are way out of their league. I would encourage any woman to take a chance on one of these men. You never know where love will blossom!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Stalking for a Starlet

Hello, my name is Barney Fitzgerald Cody and I'm a man hunting for love. As you might guess by the picture I love to hunt; deer, quail, immigrants, you name it I like it! I live down Brianard, and I own over 50 guns including an AR72 fully automatic! I know what you're saying, someone like that shouldn't have any trouble finding love, and I have had my fair share of girlfriends. But now I'm out stalking the bars and clubs for a five point woman! Wooo eee! Interested? Start running...